
Stand in the Gap Minute Archives

Signs of the Time Series: Looking Up

May 1, 2024

Transcript: Do the negative headlines and actions around you get you down? If so, you’re not alone. Many feel troubled by the cares of this life, but Scripture offers a different response, teaching us to look up for Christ’s return. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. In Revelation 22, the apostle John concluded his heavenly vision of the last days. He saw both the coming judgments and the ultimate outcome of Christ’s coming, along with the new heavens and the new earth. What was his response? He said, “Come, Lord Jesus!” As believers, we can face the struggles of the last days with an eternal perspective. Why? Because we know our final destination! Don’t live in discouragement today. Look ahead, like John, to our future home in heaven. We may face discouragement, but God is with us, and will be with us for eternity. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.

Signs of the Time Series: Joy in the Last Days

April 30, 2024

Transcript: Many people live like God designed the last days to scare us. But nothing’s further from the truth! Jesus gave us signs of the times to prepare us, not with gloom, but with joy, not with stress but with anticipation. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. As Christians, we can be tempted to avoid talking about the end times, partly because they are the days of God’s wrath against sin and the Devil. But in Matthew 25, Jesus told the parable of the talents to encourage us to use our gifts to serve Him. Why? Jesus said it was to enter “the joy of your master.” The Lord’s given us abilities, resources, and opportunities to serve Him with joy, making the most of every moment until He returns. Don’t be like the servant who hid his money in the ground! Invest what God have given you for eternal impact today. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.

Signs of the Time Series: Responding to the Signs

April 29, 2024

Transcript: It’s often said that many people spend more time planning an earthly vacation than they do their eternal home! Since the signs speak so clearly that we’re in the very last days, shouldn’t we be very serious about eternity? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. In Matthew 25, Jesus told a story about 10 young women preparing for their wedding. Five were prepared – 5 were not. The unprepared missed the wedding and their eternal home in heaven. Jesus used the story to teach us to be watchful since we don’t know the hour of His coming yet we can know the season. If Jesus returned this moment, would you be ready? If not, what should you be doing differently? Don’t wait. The time for change is now. Being watchful, prepared and excitedly anticipating the Return of the Bridegroom for the Church is important. Living like the Bride of Christ now until He comes is essential. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.

Fearing God Series: Man’s Duty

April 26, 2024

Transcript: So how important is the fear of God to you and me, for our nation and for our national leaders? In the Book of Ecclesiastes, the book of the best of human wisdom, Solomon, concludes the entire pursuit of truth and learning with his final words, the very words needed for America today. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American pastors network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. In final summary, Solomon said, remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. Look to God the Creator. Go to Him. Then he says, Let us now hear the conclusion of the matter, Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the entire duty of mankind. Why? Because God will bring every work into judgment with every secret thing, whether it be good or evil. Accountability and answering to God is what we will all do. A great reason to fear God. Join with us at Stand in the Gap radio and TV and Fear God. Stand with us at stand in the Gap media dot org.

Fearing God Series: Discover Truth

April 25, 2024

Transcript: Understanding the fear of God starts with hating what God hates and pursuing the Truth of God. Prov. 2:5 says, if a person seeks truth, he will find it. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. If our nation’s to turn from its pursuit of evil and the choice not to fear or respect God we must stop trying to define Truth as we see it, and discover Truth as God defines it. A society that seeks to define truth in their own eyes does so at their own peril. If Jesus Christ Who is the Truth becomes the object of the person pursuing Truth, then Truth is discovered, and the fear of God understood. The Bible makes it clear in the book of John that Jesus as Truth results in freedom and blessing. That’s what America needs. Join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV in discovering Truth, not trying to define it. Stand with us at stand in the gap media dot org.

Fearing God Series: Seek Knowledge

April 24, 2024

Transcript: Since fearing God means hating evil, pride, arrogancy, the way of evil and perverted speech, do you fear God? Prov. 1:7 says that the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American pastors network and another Stand in the gap Minute. According to Proverbs 1:29, those who choose not to fear God are marked by their hate of truth and knowledge. They are despisers of what is good, therefore God says they will eat of their own fruit, and be filled with the consequences of their own sinful choices. But God makes it clear that he has offered a way of hope and freedom and it starts with fearing Him. Proverbs says that if we cry after knowledge, and seek understanding in the fear of God we will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. Join with us at Stand in the gap Radio and TV in fearing God. Stand with us at stand in the gap media dot org. 

Fearing God Series: Hate What God Hates

April 23, 2024

Transcript: Defying moral truth, glorifying sexual perversions, gleefully murdering our babies, redefining marriage and defending open borders, is gross wickedness and a defiance of God’s plan for society. It assures God’s judgment on America. So how can we turn God’s wrath to God’s blessing in our land? By fearing God. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. So what is fearing God? In Prov. 8:13, the Bible says that fearing God means we will hate 5 things. Evil, pride, arrogancy, the way of evil, and perverted speech. The fear of God starts with knowing God, learning what He loves and what He hates, then choosing to love what he loves and hate what He hates. Fearing God is a choice. Prov. 1:7 says that this fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. Join with us at Stand in the Gap radio and TV and choose to fear God and hate what He hates. Our nation’s future depends on it. Stand with us at stand in the gap media dot org. 

Fearing God Series: No Fear of God

April 22, 2024

Transcript: Have we lost all fear and respect for God in our nation? When we look around and see the glorification of sexual perversions, the relentless efforts to redefine marriage and the incessant pursuit of legal permission to kill our babies in and out of the womb, are you aghast? Are you disturbed? I hope so. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another timely Stand in the Gap Minute. The Apostle Paul said it straight out in Rom. 3:18. The unredeemed and the evil in heart have no fear of God before their eyes. While some have always hated the Truth, rejected God and Jesus Christ, and embraced lies and deceit, it’s far more serious when an entire culture becomes arrogant and zealous in their pursuit of sin. Until we re-embrace a fear of God, our nation stands in jeopardy of God’s wrath against sin. Join with us at Stand in the gap radio and tv and fear God in our lives and actions. Stand with us as Stand in the gap media dot org.

Overcoming Adversity Series: Adversity Review

April 19, 2024

Transcript: We can’t deny pain in this life, but we can know that God has a purpose for the adversities we face. Even when we don’t see how God could use our circumstances, we can still believe Him that He has a plan greater and better than we could ever imagine. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. This week, we’ve looked at how God helps us in times of adversity. We’ve discovered that God is with us even when He feels distant, that He is at work in the storms of life, that God intends good for our lives, and that we can look forward to our heavenly home when this life gets us down. Together, these biblical teachings remind us that there is no one like our God. His power is greater than any problem. When we rely on His strength, we will lose some battles, but our victory is guaranteed. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.

Overcoming Adversity Series: Our Heavenly Home

April 18, 2024

Transcript: The trials of this life can be overwhelming at times, but one blessing for the Christian is the ability to look forward to heaven, knowing that this world is not our home. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. In Philippians 3:20, Scripture says “our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body.” The aches and pains of our humanness will one day be over. I’ve heard it said that as we grow older that what works hurts and what doesn’t hurt, doesn’t work. We can all feel that way as we struggle with sickness or physical pains, but we know there is a day when all things will be made new and we enjoy eternity in the presence of our Lord with all those who believe. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.

Overcoming Adversity Series: God Intended It for Good

April 17, 2024

Transcript: It’s good to remember that our past and present is all part of God’s plan. It was that way for Joseph – and he recognized it. It can be the same for me and you as well. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. The final chapter of Genesis reveals that Joseph’s brothers feared retaliation from Joseph or judgment from God for selling their younger brother into http://slavery.and and they deserved it. But Joseph wisely responded, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” The same attitude can be yours today. Sometimes the worst of troubles can overwhelm us in the moment. But when we trust in God, we can rise above those troubles and understand that God seeks not to destroy us, but to develop us. It’s never about us. It’s about God’s work in us and how we can point others to God who meant it for good. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.

Overcoming Adversity Series: God in the Storm

April 16, 2024

Transcript: Why does God allow us to go through the storms of life? One reason is to increase our faith because when we see His power and presence in those storms we realize that He is there. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. The disciples of Jesus once found themselves in a boat during a storm and they feared for their lives. Where was Jesus? He was asleep -in the same boat. They woke him and urged Him to help. Jesus’ response was perfect. Why do you fear? He calmly rebuked the storm and peace returned. All it took was a word from God to change their storm to calm. He hadn’t forgotten them. In the storm, they’d just forgotten Him. Christ is always with those who know Him. His timing is perfect. His power unequaled.  Don’t fear even when the storms rage. Look to Jesus. He will guide you through your storm. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.

Overcoming Adversity Series: Where is God?

April 15, 2024

Transcript: We all face challenges in life- don’t we?. Whether a relationship, finances, a job, or other areas. And, when times are tough, we tend to ask ourselves where is God? So what does the Bible say? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. As Jesus gave His final words at the Great Commission, He promised, “I am with you always, even to the very end of the age.” Jesus is always with us, even when it may not feel that way. Now, feelings are important, but they can sometimes trick us into believing the lie that God has abandoned us. But God does not abandon us. His love and presence transcends all events and overcomes all life’s challenges. It’s been said when we find ourselves at the end of our rope – just let go, because only then that we can realize that we’re in the palm of God’s hand. Do you have that assurance? Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.

Persecution Series: Count It All Joy

April 12, 2024

Transcript: The Bible teaches us to “count it all joy” when we face trouble or persecution. How can we find real joy in times of trouble? Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. This week, we’ve looked at the persecution we should expect as believers and how to respond to it. But James 1:2 adds that we are to count it all joy. Why? The verse adds that the testing of our faith “produces steadfastness” or resilience. When we experience suffering, we build our endurance. Just as exercise builds the strength of our physical body, persecution strengthens our spirit. A workout may not feel like fun at the time, but consistent effort leads to much improvement. In a similar way, consistently facing persecution with joy deepens our faith and makes us more effective in living for God. Don’t fear persecution. Count it all joy today! Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.

Persecution Series: Preparing for Persecution

April 11, 2024

Transcript: Do you know that the Bible actually teaches that believers are to prepare for persecution? We’re not called to avoid tough times, but rather to anticipate them. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. In 2 Corinthians 4, the apostle Paul wrote he was “persecuted, but not forsaken.” He understood that he would face difficult times, just like other followers of Christ. He also encouraged believers to prepare for the hardships we face by looking forward to heaven. Paul wrote “do not lose heart” and to look to “the things that are unseen.” Our best defense against hardship is not searching for an escape, but looking forward to eternity. When we gaze at our future, we’ll be better prepared to face the challenges of the present. Scripture calls this the way to be “renewed day by day” as we seek to live faithfully despite the persecutions we may face. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.