2019 KAYAK Travel Awards Data Methodology

Best Hotels

Scores are calculated from ratings and reviews from travelers based on 6 categories:

  1. Best Hotel
  2. Best Resort
  3. Best B&Bs and Inns
  4. Best Hostel
  5. Best Budget Hotel
  6. Best Luxury Hotel

In order to qualify for selection as a best hotel in 2019 for a category, a hotel must have had a minimum of 50 new reviews published within 2018 with a minimum overall rating of 8.0 for the category.

For the Travel Awards website, a maximum of the 100 highest scoring hotels for each of the categories above were selected per country from each of the following regions: US & Canada, Latin America, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific.

Most/Least Expensive Days to Check In & Out

KAYAK considered (4 & 5 star) hotel searches on the U.S. site between 8/1/18 through 1/31/19 for travel occurring between 1/1/19 through 6/30/19 for both domestic and international travel.

Cheapest/Most expensive days to check in and out were determined by looking at the average price per day (Monday through Sunday)

When to Book - Hotels

KAYAK considered (4 & 5 star) hotel searches on the U.S. site between 2/1/18 through 1/31/19 for travel occurring between 2/1/18 through 1/31/19 for both domestic and international travel. Data was capped at 1,000 days before departure date.

Best Airlines

Scores are calculated from ratings and reviews from travelers based on 6 categories:

  1. Best Airline (Overall Score)
  2. Best Airline Food
  3. Best Airline Boarding
  4. Best Airline Entertainment
  5. Best Airline Crew
  6. Best Airline Comfort

In order to qualify for selection as a best airline in 2019 for a category, an airline must have had a minimum of 150 new reviews published within 2018 with a minimum overall rating of 6.1 for the category.

Best Airlines

Selected the 10 highest scoring airlines (Full Service* and Regional**) for each of the categories above in each of the following regions: US & Canada, Latin America, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific.

Best Budget Airlines

Selected the 10 highest scoring budget airlines (Low Cost***) for each of the categories above.

* Full Service: A full service airline is an airline that offers passengers traditional services such as in-flight entertainment, checked baggage, meals, beverages and amenities such as blankets and pillows in the price of the airline ticket. The seats traditionally have more recline than a low cost airline as well as more leg room. Full service airlines offer passengers the selection of economy or business class travel and on some flights premium economy and first class. Full service airlines are also traditionally the flag carriers for their countries.

** Regional: Regional airlines are airlines that operate regional aircraft to provide passenger air service to communities without sufficient demand to attract mainline service.

*** Low-cost: A low-cost carrier or low-cost airline (also known as no-frills, discount or budget carrier or airline, or LCC) is an airline without most of the traditional services provided in the fare, resulting in lower fares and fewer comforts.

Top Hacker Fare Destinations

KAYAK looked into flight destinations with the biggest savings when booking hacker fares (two one way tickets) as opposed to roundtrip flights.

We considered searches conducted on the US KAYAK sites between 2/1/18 through 1/31/19 for travel from the US occurring between 2/1/18 through 1/31/19. All flight searched are hacker fare, economy flights excluding price outliers based on certain criteria.

Top Holiday Weekend Destinations


Cheapest flight destinations from the U.S., of the 300 most searched for flight destinations (domestic + international), with the lowest overall median airfare.

Travel dates considered were between 3/30/18 through 4/3/18.

Memorial Day

Cheapest flight destinations from the U.S., of the 300 most searched for flight destinations (domestic + international), with the lowest overall median airfare.

Travel dates considered were between 5/24/18 through 5/29/18.

Fourth of July

Cheapest flight destinations from the U.S., of the 300 most searched for flight destinations (domestic + international), with the lowest overall median airfare.

Travel dates considered were between 7/3/18 through 7/9/18.

Labor Day

Cheapest flight destinations from the U.S., of the 300 most searched for flight destinations (domestic + international), with the lowest overall median airfare.

Travel dates considered were between 8/31/18 through 9/4/18.

When to Book by Route

The data is based on flight searches and clicks on KAYAK, departing from the selected origin airport to the selected destination city for the respective travel month.

When to Book Price Trends

The data is based on flight searches on KAYAK, for the selected search month, showing the increase or decrease in searches compared to the same search month the year before.

Best Car Rental Companies

Scores are calculated from ratings and reviews from travelers based on 5 categories:

  1. Best Car Rental
  2. Best Comfort
  3. Best Cleanliness
  4. Best Pickup/Dropoff
  5. Best Value for Money

In order to qualify for selection as a best car rental company in 2019 for a category, an agency must have had a minimum of 100 new reviews published within 2018 with a minimum overall rating of 6.1 for the category.

For the Travel Awards website, a maximum of the 10 highest scoring car rental companies for each of the categories above were selected in each the United States and Canada.

Best Pick up & Drop off

To determine the best domestic pick up and drop off locations for rental cars, KAYAK looked at the median price for intermediate rental cars (most popular rental car class) when picking up and dropping off at the following locations:

  • Airport pick up - city drop off
  • City pick up - airport drop off
  • Airport pick up and drop off
  • City pick up and drop off

Search dates considered were between 8/1/18 through 1/31/19 for travel between 1/1/19 through 6/30/19.

Median Price Per Car Class

To determine median prices per rental car class, KAYAK looked at the following car classes with search dates of 8/1/18 through 1/31/19 for travel between 1/1/19 through 6/30/19:

  • Economy (4 doors)
  • Compact (passenger vans)
  • Intermediate
  • Mini (2 door)
  • Standard SUV
  • Fullsize
  • Premium
  • Luxury

When to Book

To determine the best timeframe to book intermediate rental cars in the U.S., KAYAK considered searches between 2/1/18 through 2/1/19 for travel between 2/1/18 through 2/1/19.

Timeframes were chosen based on the rental periods with the lowest prices per day.

Top Travel Hacker

KAYAK's list of travel influencers was curated by KAYAK's travel experts based on the following criteria: Content, Followers and Engagement.


Influencers were chosen by KAYAK’s team of travel experts based on the following criteria:

  • Content
  • Followers
  • Engagement