Livestock Facility Siting

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Under Wisconsin's livestock facility siting law (Wis. Stat. § 93.90 and Wis. Admin. Code ch. ATCP 51), local governments do not have to require conditional use or other permits for new or expanding livestock operations. If they choose to require permits for such o​perations, they must adopt all the standards and procedures of Wis. Stat. § 93.90 and ATCP 51. This does not affect other local ordinances such as shoreland and floodplain zoning. The law does, however, limit exclusion of livestock facilities from agricultural zones.

The standards address:

  • Property line and road setbacks
  • Management and training plans
  • Odor management
  • Nutrient management
  • Manure storage facilities
  • Runoff management

Local governments requiring permits must use application worksheets provided here to determine if proposed facilities meet these standards.  The Livestock Siting Review Board hears appeals of local decisions from applicants or neighboring landowners.

Further Information