Authors: Addie Smith, Roel Lopez, Alison Lund, Brittany Wegner, Jim Cathey, Angelica Lopez, Ross Anderson, Garrett Powers, Kevin Skow, Matt Crawford

Texas working lands, or privately-owned farms, ranches, and forests, are under increasing land conversion pressure driven by rapid population growth, suburbanization, and rural development, creating implications for rural economies. Here, we summarize land and demographic data related to Texas’ changing working lands in four primary sections: population growth, land value, ownership size, and working lands. Findings from the 2019 report are compared to previous Texas Land Trends reports to assess current and historic land use trends.

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Smith, L.A., R.R. Lopez, A.A. Lund, B.N. Wegner, J.C. Cathey, A. Lopez, R.E. Anderson, G.W. Powers, K.L. Skow, M.A. Crawford. 2019. Status Update and Trends of Texas Working Lands. Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute (NRI), College Station, TX, USA.