Every child deserves equal access to LEARNING

Outschool.org is the nonprofit arm of Outschool, an online marketplace with over 140,000 live, virtual classes.

Outschool.org’s mission is to provide learners who experience racial and economic marginalization with opportunity and agency to nurture a lifelong love of learning.

Outschool.org formed in March 2020 to address access financial barriers to virtual learning during COVID-19 and now addresses heightened interest and need for out-of-school learning in under-resourced communities.

What is Outschool.org?

How Outschool.org helps

  • The goal of our direct-to-family program, Outbridge, is to empower families to successfully navigate a fractured learning ecosystem by providing access, information, and community.

    We provide families with access to curated virtual learning resources, trusted local classes, an easy-to-navigate platform, and information to support them in choosing enrichment courses for their children.

    Click here to learn more about the Outbridge program.

  • Our goal with this program is to find mission-aligned organizations that we can partner with to create innovative learning models.

    Click here to learn more about the Community Partner Grantee Program.