Automotive Training Institute (ATI)

Ready to Level-Up?

Discover ATI's auto shop growth solutions!

Get the answers you need directly from the experts to increase your shop's performance, profit, car counts, staff, and more. Plus, we'll help you uncover the biggest growth opportunities in your shop, find out exactly where you're leaving money on the table, and create a personalized action plan for reaching your goals.

Don't lose more time and money, contact ATI today!

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Why Our Members Love ATI...

About ATI

We’re the leading coaching and training company that serves over 1,600 members.
Our shop owner coaches are full-time employees and are certified by the Center for Executive Coaching.
Our robust program includes coaching, a comprehensive course schedule, 20 groups, a discount buying program, and more.
Happy ATI members

"[ATI] has changed my life. And it's only getting better."

Keith Smith
Denny's Paint and Body

"If you think you don't need a coach, think again. There is so much ATI can teach you."

Kevin Burke
Greitens Auto Service

ATI one-on-one coaching
Interactive ATI training class

"ATI has been a Godsend. They taught me the mechanics of running my business."

Dave Erb
Dave's Ultimate Automtive

"It's an amazing program, it has just completely changed my outlook."

Chris Kozad
Alternative Autocare

ATI engaged members

We'll help you reach your shop goals.

$3,082,969,868+ Additional Gross Profit for Member Shop Owners

Certfied Full-time Coaches

Find Out How to Grow Your Shop!