Building Careers in Nursing & Social Work

Partnering with 30+ college and universities to expand faculty and support tuition for the nursing and social work fields.

Get Started

Become a Professor

Launch a second career and go from a professional to professor. CT Health Horizons is funding faculty positions for MSN- and MSW-level professionals who want to teach and influence the next generation

I am interested in teaching:


Social Work

Become a Student

If you’re currently enrolled in a Nursing or Social Work degree program, or considering graduate school, you may be eligible for up to $10,000 in tuition assistance. See participating undergraduate and graduate programs.

I am interested in studying:

Nursing - Undergraduate

Nursing - Graduate

Social Work - Graduate


Workforce Needs

CT Health Horizons was created in response to a critical workforce issue: a statewide shortage of nursing and social work professionals. Working in partnership with 30+ public and private colleges, CT Health Horizons addresses this need by:

  • Providing tuition assistance to Nursing and Social Work students
  • Expanding the number of faculty positions
  • Creating career-based partner programs with healthcare providers

Grow & Diversify

CT Health Horizons is a three-year, $35 million initiative, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act. It unites several agencies—the Office of Workforce Strategy, Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, the University of Connecticut, the Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges, and the Connecticut Hospital Association—with one clear goal: to grow and diversify the next generation of healthcare professionals, particularly nurses and social workers.

Connecticut Health Horizons is funded through the federal American Rescue Plan Act – Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds awarded to the State of Connecticut by the U.S. Department of the Treasury (FAIN: SLFRP0128). CT Health Horizons is a collaborative partnership that includes Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, the Office of Workforce Strategy, multiple state agencies, the University of Connecticut, the Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges, and the Connecticut Hospital Association.
