2020 CAGGY Award Winners

2020 CAGGY Award Winners

Below are the 2020 CAGGY Award recipients. Congratulations to all winners and thank you for voting for the Best of Colorado Golf!

A record-setting 6,389 of you participated in our 18th annual salute to the Best of Colorado Golf! This represents an increase of nearly 40 percent over our previous high. Thank you! We tallied all of those votes in 60 categories for the top courses and clubs, teachers and travel destinations. Some courses and instructors evidently mounted better campaigns than others did; such is the democratic process. So, as usual, we supplemented the results with some alphabetized picks of our own. To see the winners, click below!

2020 CAGGY Award Winners | Public & Resort | Private | Instruction | Travel

2020 CAGGY Award Winners | Public & Resort | Private | Instruction | Travel

The 2020 CAGGY Award Winners are also featured in the Spring 2020 issue of Colorado AvidGolfer.

Colorado AvidGolfer is the state’s leading resource for golf and the lifestyle that surrounds it, publishing eight issues annually and proudly delivering daily content via coloradoavidgolfer.com. Follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.