REE Incubator Interest Form Header Image

Filene Research Institute is partnering with Urban Strategies, Inc. and Native Women Lead to create the Racial Economic Equity (REE) Incubator. The REE Incubator will work to advance racial economic equity through the credit union system by co-creating solutions that meet local community members’ needs and delivers resources, support and capital to communities of color.

The REE Incubator will invite up to six credit unions already partnering with community organizations to apply together to participate. As a cohort, these six partnerships will co-create solutions for racial economic disparities in their communities and create a framework for credit unions to incorporate racial equity into their financial programs, products, and services. 

Filene will open recruitment for credit union and community partners to participate in the REE Incubator in October 2022. If the REE Incubator interests you, complete this interest form and we will contact you when the RFP officially opens.

How would you like to remain engaged in Filene’s Racial Economic Equity Incubator?*
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