What is the Quick Response Mechanism?

The Quick Response Mechanism (QRM) is a Partnership for Good Governance tool, by which the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) and other Council of Europe bodies may provide ad hoc legal and policy advice to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, linked to priority reforms on: strengthening justice, countering economic crime, promoting equality and non-discrimination and advancing women’s access to justice and combating violence against women.

It can also respond to requests falling under the area of competence of the Venice Commission , such as democratic institutions and fundamental rights; elections, referendums and political parties; constitutional and ordinary justice.

The QRM complements the expertise provided on an ad hoc basis under the PGG projects.

The QRM expertise and support aids the participating countries to meet their commitment as Council of europe member states and offers important assistance in hte context of hte EU accession perspective for the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia.


Who can make a request for an expert opinion under the Quick Reponse Mechanism

Ministers and other members of government from the beneficiary countries as well as speakers of parliament, can make a request for an expert opinion. Opinions may also be prepared in response to requests coming from other authorities, such as independent state institutions. The European Union as well as Council of Europe organs (i.e. the Secretary General, the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities) can also submit requests for expertise. Requests for amicus curiae opinions by the Venice Commission can be made by constitutional courts.