Direct Heating Equipment


Direct heating equipment refers to gas wall heaters, floor heaters, and room heaters. Unlike gas furnaces, direct heating products do not use ducts to move heated air throughout a home, but rather provide heat directly to the area where they are installed.


The current standards for direct heating equipment took effect in 2013. The standards specify minimum annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) levels, which vary depending on the specific type of product and heating capacity.

In 2021, DOE published a determination finding that more stringent standards for direct heating equipment would not be economically justified. 


Direct heating products are primarily sold as replacement units.

Savings through what year?: 2043
Energy saved (quads): 0.2
CO2 savings (million metric tons): 8.8


Federal Date States
Potential Effective Date of Updated Standard 2024
Updated DOE Standard Due 2021
2nd Federal Standard Effective 2013
Test Procedure - Last Revised - Standby/Off Mode 2012
2nd Federal Standard Adopted (DOE) 2010
Test Procedure - Last Revised - Active Mode 1997
1st Federal Standard Effective 1990
1st Federal Standard Adopted (Congress) 1987
NAECA Initial Federal Legislation Enacted 1987

Timeline reflects state standards from 2001 to present; federal standards from inception to present.