© 2023 AFP Texas

Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) allow parents to receive an eligible student’s education funds into a personal, parent-controlled account.  

Parents can then use those funds for things like textbooks, private school, tutoring, college credits, and more!  It’s our money and parents should get to have a say where it is spent. 

What is an Education Savings Account?


Over 5 million students are currently enrolled in public schools across Texas – many can't afford a private school or home school option. 

We’ve made it our mission to change that. 

At Americans for Prosperity, we believe every child deserves the freedom to choose the school that best fits their needs, regardless of income or zip code – and Education Savings Accounts are the first step to making that happen. 

Together, we can give kids the tools and resources they need to become the confident leaders of tomorrow.

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