SugarCRM to HubSpot Integration

SugarCRM HubSpot Integration

Connect and Create Lead

Create Lead and Convert to Contact, Account and Opportunity in Sugar

Create Call, Meeting, Task, Note, Email

The benefits of integrating SugarCRM with HubSpot include:

    • generate leads in HubSpot

    • use SugarCRM to Close the Sale

    • identify the most effective sources for leads

    • open-source code installed in SugarCRM

    • easily map new custom SugarCRM fields and HubSpot properties

    • does not require to send leads and contacts on third-party servers



  • connect SugarCRM to HubSpot app by Oauth2 from SugarCRM admin section

  • in the SugarCRM admin section, configure fields mapping between SugarCRM fields and HubSpot

  • Properties. Use default mapping or add a new mapping.

HubSpot to SugarCRM

  • A Contact created in HubSpot will create a Lead in SugarCRM.

  • When a Deal is related to a Contact in HubSpot, the Lead in SugarCRM will be converted to a Contact. Then the Account + Opportunity related records will be created and related to each other.

  • When a Company is related to a Contact in HubSpot, the Lead in SugarCRM will be converted to a Contact and an Account.

  • – The company created in HubSpot will create an Account in SugarCRM.

  • The Custom HubSpot Objects are also supported for synchronization with standard or custom SugarCRM modules, including their relationships (associations).

SugarCRM To HubSpot

  • A New Lead created in SugarCRM will create a new Contact in HubSpot

  • A Converted Lead in SugarCRM creates the Company and Deal in HubSpot (all records related).

  • A New Contact created in SugarCRM under the Opportunity view will create a new contact in HubSpot related to the Company and Deal.

  • SugarCRM calls, meetings, tasks, notes (including attachments), and emails sync to their respective objects in HubSpot.

  • The integration allows HubSpot one-time data imports to any of its modules (like Contacts, Companies, Deals, and their association from various data sources, including SugarCRM).

  • SugarCRM calls, meetings, tasks, notes (including attachments), and emails sync to their respective objects in HubSpot.

HubSpot one-time data import

  • The integration allows HubSpot one-time data imports to any of its modules (like Contacts, Companies, Deals, and their association from various data sources, including SugarCRM). Custom properties are supported for the import.

  • For privacy reasons, the integration does not require sending leads and contacts information on third-party servers. It can be installed on-site or use on-premise cloud infrastructure.

Pricing model

  • Synchronize Contacts, Companies, Deals with Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities – $149 Monthly fee + one-time charge of $499 includes up to 6 hours of onboarding and initial configuration

  • Sync Contacts,Companies,Deals,Calls,Meetings,Tasks,Notes,Emails – $199 Monthly fee + one-time charge of $699 includes up to 8 hours of onboarding and initial configuration

  • One-time Import $799 includes up to 8 hours of initial configuration and data import.