Alyssa Bonifacio Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Alyssa Bonifacio


Mercer University

Studying In:

Japan (Spring)

More About This Scholar

“Hello” in your host country’s language: こんにちは (Konnichiwa)
Home Institution (your U.S. University/College): Mercer University
Expected graduation year: 2024
Destination city & country: Aizuwakamatsu, Japan
Program provider: University of Aizu
Major/minor: Computer Engineering
Demographics: Asian/Asian American, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student
Future career aspirations: Work as a civilian computer engineer on military bases to improve defense for the U.S. and its allies. Also find a way to intertwine Japanese language skills with my computer engineering career or on the side.
Top 3 goals for your time abroad: 1. Learn about professors’ and classmates’ perspectives on STEM and life; University of Aizu’s professors come from overseas, including countries such as Vietnam, India, South Korea, Canada, United States, Russia and China
2. Improve critical thinking skills by facing new situations and becoming bilingual
3. Explore a different culture aside from the two I’ve been familiar with (Filipino & American)


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