Emily Huang Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Emily Huang


Boston University

Studying In:

France (Summer) | *BASAA Scholarship

Journal Entries

More About This Scholar

“Hello” in your host country’s language: Bonjour
Home Institution (your U.S. University/College): Boston University
Expected graduation year: 2025
Destination city & country: Paris, France
Program provider: AIFS
Major/minor: Hospitality Administration
Demographics: Asian/Asian American
Future career aspirations: With my major in Hospitality Administration, I hope to concentrate in event planning. Whether it is the corporate side or the recreational side of events, I plan on exploring more of that interest in the near future.
Top 3 goals for your time abroad: 1. Explore the city as well as neighboring countries and try some delicious food.
2. Learn about hospitality in a new country where it is heavily focused on.
3. Have a great time with new people and classmates from school.


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