Nicolette Alexandra Brito-Cruz Avatar

Scholarship Year:


Nicolette Alexandra Brito-Cruz


Rutgers University

Studying In:

Italy (Summer)

More About This Scholar

“Hello” in your host country’s language: Salve!
Home Institution (your U.S. University/College): Rutgers University at New Brunswick
Expected graduation year: 2024
Destination city & country: Rome, Italy
Program provider: John Cabot University
Major/minor: Journalism & Media Studies and Italian Studies / Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Demographics: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student
Future career aspirations: I aspire to be a foreign correspondent. I would like to take it upon myself to be the voice for the voiceless and be the representation for communities that are so often silenced. As a Dominican-American and child of two immigrants, I know what it feels like to have to force one’s way into spaces that do not welcome them. I intend to cover important topics surrounding gender, race, sexuality, and other aspects related to identity.
Top 3 goals for your time abroad: 1. Finding my voice as a writer is a significant aspect of what I will achieve while abroad. By going through this journey, I truly believe that different identities will emerge and perhaps reshape my current ones as well.
2. Improve my Italian language skills and fully immerse myself in the Italian culture.
3. I also hope to create meaningful and lasting relationships with the individuals I meet, which may later aid me in my career as a foreign correspondent.


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