Hypnobirthing Self-Study Course

Now with the NEW HYPNOBABIES TRACK APP! Listen to your hypnosis tracks in app or download directly to your phone’s storage! No transferring necessary!

Hypnobabies students listening to their hypnosis tracks

What IF … YOU could actually look forward to your baby’s birth, and enjoy it much more? That is what we all want when we’re pregnant, and it means so much to us that we can help you achieve this. Many people just like you start out skeptical and end up with Hypnobabies Hypno-birth stories like THIS.

Hypno-WHAT? What could be better as you await your baby’s arrival than taking time every day for yourself to relax deeply and listen to positive, encouraging hypnobirthing tracks that change the way your body and mind perceive childbirth? This happens from the inside out with Hypnobabies’ deep, medical-grade, somnambulistic hypnosis “suggestions” (mental directives) that literally re-train your inner mind to produce specific reactions. It also happens from the outside in with your daily Joyful Pregnancy Affirmations, allowing you to counteract any less-than-encouraging messages on a conscious level. This is a real gift you give yourself right from the first few moments of starting your Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing course; a calmer, more confident pregnancy, and an easier and more comfortable birth!

Our extremely successful Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing Home-Study Course is for those who want to enjoy their baby’s birth more by using real, therapeutic hypnosis to help eliminate pain and fear. An advanced Hypnobirthing course, Hypnobabies includes 20 hypnosis audio tracks and many written materials or online materials to prepare for a much easier and more comfortable birth experience. Hypnobabies’ deep, somnambulistic hypnosis techniques train the inner mind that contractions in labor will be felt mostly as pressure, tightening, pushing and baby movement sensations. Hypnobabies uses the same kind of hypnosis techniques that people employ when preparing for surgery without any medication, and this is called hypno-anesthesia, and yes, they work amazingly well! Watch this video of one of our Hypnobabies moms who learned, practiced and used her Hypnobabies techniques well, having a birthing wave (contraction) at 7 cm, completely comfortable.

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! You can use code hypno1528 for 10% off –  Hypnobabies Home Study Courses

***Good news! You may be able to receive reimbursement for purchasing your Hypnobabies Home Study Course. Remember to check with your Insurance Carrier – some companies will cover the cost of childbirth education! The insurance CPT codes for childbirth classes are: S9436 and S9442, and you are responsible for your own insurance claims – Hypnobabies cannot get involved since we are not medical care providers. You may also need this: Diagnosis code Z32.2, which is for childbirth education. Some Hypno-families have used their Flexible Spending Accounts for their Hypnobabies classes too, so make sure and check out yours!***

Hypno-mom Haley wrote to us: “Happy to report I was reimbursed in full by my insurance company for the Hypnobabies Home study course! After submitting the form and receipts, no additional follow up was required. If your plan has childbirth classes coverage, definitely submit your claim for Hypnobabies!” 

Hypnobabies is based on Master Hypnotist Gerald Kein’s, “Painless Childbirth” program and is extremely effective. It is the only childbirth hypnosis program that teaches “Eyes-Open Childbirth Hypnosis”, which allows the birthing mother/person to walk and talk and move around during labor, and yet remain deeply in hypnosis, relaxed and more physically comfortable throughout. This is very important for all birthing people, to enable you to use upright positions to aid with your baby’s descent and positioning. You’ll learn self-hypnosis techniques which you will practice on a daily basis until your baby is born, and this is such and easy and naturally enjoyable daily routine!

Important information: Hypnosis is generally not recommended for those with certain mental disorders and/or some kinds of seizures. If you have any of these, please consult with a mental health professional and/or a medical professional to see if hypnosis would be a good and safe option for *you* before ordering the Hypnobabies Home Study Course.
Couple learning Hypnobabies online

Hypnobabies is also a thorough and complete preparation for childbirth education course, with a Nutritional Program, Pre-natal Exercises, Birth Plan, Optimal Fetal Positioning, Avoiding Back Labor, Anatomy and Physiology, Birthing Choices, Comfort and Safety in Pregnancy, Consumer Issues, Staying Healthy and Low Risk, Unexpected Situations, Productive Birthing Positions/Physical Comfort Measures, and much more. Very Comprehensive!

We now have TWO choices for preparing for your baby’s birth with our very successful Hypnobabies Home Study Course!

1) Our Online Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing Home Study Course(You can receive a Payment Plan by choosing “Pay Later” as your payment!) which is perfect for those who want to begin their Hypnobabies course immediately and/or don’t want to incur shipping charges. Access to the course is available within 48 hours after your order payment has cleared; a course enrollment e-mail will be sent you with your link, and you will have access to your Hypnobabies Self Study online course for 6 months. ****PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASING*** Hypnobabies is a 6-week course, and as you progress through the course, you will be able to download your important Hypnobabies course PDFs and all  audio tracks, so no need for a longer access time than 6 months! The downloadable materials in our online Hypnobabies course includes all 20 Hypnobabies course audio tracks and 122 pages of printable materials. Although there is no way to make the huge amount of material on all of the online slides downloadable, we wanted to make sure that the students who chose our online Home Study Course were able to download and print out everything they would *need* to use Hypnobabies in the future, which is why there are so many pages of downloadable/printable PDFs and of course, all of your Hypnobabies course tracks. Please note that due to the digital format of  this course, it is non-refundable.

***Make sure before you purchase this version of Hypnobabies that you check the list of browser/Flash requirements for accessing this course, here: http://help.smarteru.com/browser-support***

VERY IMPORTANT Although you can download your Hypnobabies audio tracks and save them on any device you want, your online Hypnobabies Home Study Course can only be accessed with two (2) IP addresses (2 of your own devices only – no sharing with anyone else). Make sure BEFORE purchasing this course that one of the devices that you will be using to access your online Hypnobabies Home Study Course is a computer, since all of our Hypnobabies program audio track files are very large (much larger than 4-minute music tracks) and must be downloaded into a computer first before uploading into a smaller device. If you’d like to see an example of how our Hypnobabies Home Study Online Course works, please click here for our DEMO.

NEW: Our Online Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing Home Study Course is also available in a discounted Bundle with 2 other excellent courses: Laid-Back Breastfeeding (with the amazing Nancy Mohrbacher) and Injoy Videos’ Preparing for Your Hospital Stay and Recovery!

2) Our classic hard-copy Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing Home Study Course  (You can now choose to pay by Buy with Prime (your Amazon account), credit card or PayPal) your course materials will be shipped to you: your student workbook, a quick reference/birth partner guide booklet, many course handouts and your audio track downloads.  This course contains all of the audio tracks that you will need to learn, practice and use Hypnobabies effectively.  No parts of this hard-copy course can be file-shared, copied or duplicated in any way, since all written materials and audio files of this Hypnobabies course are copyrighted. This course is non-refundable.

Safety – Please note and remember: Hypnobabies *hypnosis* tracks cannot be listened to while driving, walking, running, holding a baby or child, operating machinery, cooking dinner, showering, doing yoga or doing anything else that requires your full concentration since it is NOT safe. These tracks have hypnotic inductions and deepening suggestions on them and on each one you are reminded in the introduction that is on every hypnosis track that you must listen to them ONLY when your eyes are CLOSED, and you are sitting down in a *fully supported position* where you can relax all muscles of your body – in a cushy chair, or lying down, or on a birth ball/leaning over a supporting bed or sofa, etc. YOU MUST listen to your Hypnobabies hypnosis tracks *safely*, as directed, when you are practicing; we care about you!

“SO, when I am in labor, will I need to be lying down or sitting all the time to use my Hypnobabies hypnosis?” No – practicing your Hypnobabies techniques during pregnancy is different than using them during your baby’s birthing! Learn all about it here.

Hypnobabies Birth Partners and Single students: It’s important to remember that your Birth Partner (if you have one) will learn how to fully support you as a Hypno-student, before, during and after childbirth. In addition, since Hypnobabies is so comprehensive and detailed, if you are single or your significant other will not be participating in your birth preparation, you can learn, practice and use Hypnobabies by yourself. The goal of a Hypnobabies birth is to enjoy the easiest and most comfortable pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum possible for YOU, and our satisfaction rate is extremely high, which is very gratifying to all of us at Hypnobabies!

We also provide our Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing Home Study students with a great deal of support so that they can get all of their questions answered throughout their Hypnobabies journey. Read about our Home Study Support here. You may want to check our Find a Hypnobabies Class page to see if a Certified Hypnobabies Instructor near you teaches our Home Study Advantage Classes, which help our Home Study Course Students learn, understand and experience their Hypnobabies course and techniques. Hands-on hypnosis demonstrations, personalized classes and an individual Hypnobabies Birth Rehearsal allow you to feel much more confident and prepared for your Hypnobabies birth! We also have a Facebook Support group for those using Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing, and those wanting to learn more about it!

PLEASE ALSO BE AWARE THAT NO ONE OTHER THAN CERTIFIED HYPNOBABIES INSTRUCTORS CAN TEACH A HYPNOBABIES CLASS OF *ANY* KIND! Always check our Find a Hypnobabies Class page to make certain that your “instructor” is actually a highly trained, Certified Hypnobabies Instructor. Anyone offering Hypnobabies Classes of any kind that is not listed on our Find a Hypnobabies Class page is NOT certified by Hypnobabies to teach our Hypnobabies program, and is therefore conducting illegal activity by duplicating copyrighted materials and offering information that is not authorized by Hypnobabies Inc.

Q) Is the Hypnobabies self-study program as effective as taking the classes?

A) We asked the experts; our Hypnobabies Students the following:

Could our wonderful Hypnobabies Home-Study Course ‘graduates’ tell us how it worked for YOU?”

Karli F: I had a beautiful baby boy 5 weeks ago using the home-study course. This is baby #5 for me, and natural (drug-free) birth #3. It made a world of difference. I’ve never had a bad birth experience, but this time it was so beautiful and peaceful and calm. Some of the best $ I’ve ever spent.

Erica H: When people have asked me this question. I always say it is effective if you DO it. I think for first time mom’s the class could be very helpful, just because you learn SO much when it comes to what is going on childbirth education-wise. But if you are dedicated to actually doing the hypnosis, then of course the home study course will be effective!  🙂

Jeannie C: So good I barely made it to the hospital! I was a so comfortable at home I didn’t go until 20 minutes before delivery.

Genie M: I agree with Erica. I had my son 8 weeks ago using the self study. He was my 2nd baby in 18 months. No real issues with my daughters birth, but this time around was amazing. My big guy was 9.9 and 23 1/2″ and came out staring at the ceiling. My midwife said that she was so glad that she didn’t have any “at risk” teenagers in the room observing my son’s birth (I previously ok’d this if she had some) because I made it look like the easiest task of the day!

Also, my husband was deployed through the duration of my pregnancy. The Hypnobabies self study course REALLY helped me. Here I was by myself, raising a toddler, working full time and wondering what my husband was dealing with as he helped shut down a dangerous base in Iraq. I feel like I hardly stressed at all during that time thanks to what I learned from my Hypnobabies course.

Sarah M: It does work! It takes a lot of self motivation and dedication but it is worth it! We had our daughter after an hour and a half long labor before the midwife arrived!

Rachel P: I loved the self study course. I spent 30 minutes with the hypnosis during early labor. According to my midwife, my labor progressed much more quickly than expected for a first birth! She had to RUSH to my house for the birth!

Diana A: I did the Hypnobabies home course and it worked great. Most of the work is listening to some very relaxing hypnosis on your own and the easy part is reading the book. The challenging part was doing the tracks every day. I did use a doula and we did a practice run but it wasn’t really necessary as I got to the hospital at 5cm totally feeling great and had my baby an hour later. If I have another it will be at home or birthing center as the monitoring made me lose focus a little but after I got in the tub it was smooth sailing. Good luck. It is one of the best things I ever did!

Kim H: My 3rd baby was a hypnobaby with the home study course. I labored all night while sleeping, yes sleeping, and made it to the birth center only 20 minutes before our baby girl was born! I highly recommend the home study course.

Amanda C: My second birth was Hypnobabies and my midwife didn’t believe I was in labour. Before I finally convinced her to check me, she had said she would before she headed home. I was 8 and complete and as above barely made it to the hospital. We left at 5:45, got there at 6:10, and my dd was born at 6:25…we think. It was so fast my midwife didn’t look at the clock. But yes, you do have to do it. (practice)   🙂

Christa J: Hypnobabies is very effective! We have very busy schedules so my hubby and I enjoyed going through the book at home together & it inspired us to research even more and discuss our plans and hopes. It brought us closer & more united.

As for my birthing, I began feeling pressure waves at 11 PM and they were only about five minutes apart so we immediately went to meet our midwife. I got into Birthing pool three hours later, and then three hours after that my first child was born. I found that one of the most effective hypnosis techniques was when my husband would place his hand on my shoulder and say ‘release’. That reminded me to relax my shoulders my back and neck muscles, and made the pressure waves much more comfortable. The birthing was so quick and much easier than I had anticipated. I’m already looking forward to becoming pregnant again and implementing the Hypnobabies techniques for my second birthing & doing an even more effective job at it.

Meghanne C: The Hypnobabies self study did the job! My husband has commented that he’ll stay home with our daughter while I have this baby since I “didn’t need him” …last time! 

Amanda S: It was VERY effective! We arrived at the hospital calm and comfortable at 9cm. When I walked up to the desk the nurses laughed at us and said we’d be walking the halls or going home. I was holding my VBAC baby 40 minutes later. They actually had to admit us after she was born. It was an amazing experience. We’re waiting for another Hypnobaby right now and expect nothing but the best again!

Amanda W: I had a wonderful birth experience with the self-study course. This was baby #3 and I’m SO glad that I looked into this and did it. I was able to have an unmedicated birth with no IV or any other procedure, because I was so well educated and in control using my hypnosis. I agree that you definitely have to make sure you do the work for the course though. I found it to be a little time consuming, but well worth it. I was laughing with my DH and friend (playing doula) and enjoying myself until the last 15 minutes, when I had to really concentrate and follow my body’s instincts. I definitely recommend studying up on the pushing phase and being prepared. My DH loved it too! Instead of me pushing him away because I was in pain (like my previous births), he felt very connected and a part of the whole process.

Cassie F: There were no instructors in the area so I took the Hypnobabies Home Study course. I have the type of personality that does really well with setting my own schedules and sticking to them, so I was really good about doing the practice and I think that made a world of difference. I did actually have a pain-free birth, have no idea how long I was in my birthing time because it just flew by, and most of all I felt like I had the information to make the best decision for me and my baby regarding anything that might have come up. Wouldn’t have traded it for the world!

Kirstin R: I did the self study course & loved it – it made me enjoy the last months of my pregnancy even more, I was so positive & confident & relaxed. Early “labor” was a breeze & I waited to go to the hospital once my pressure waves were just a few minutes apart. I had my son just 3 1/2 hrs after arriving at the hospital. The drs & nurses were amazed at how smoothly & quickly it went, especially since he was my first baby. I can’t wait to do it again!

Leah M: I did Hypnobabies self study course with my 3rd birth. It was so easy I just made sure I listened to my hypnosis tracks at night and most nights I would fall asleep while listening. My husband is deployed so I did the course by myself and during labor I listened to the tracks and shockingly had a pain free birth. I would never give birth without Hypnobabies. I was a total skeptic because I’ve given birth before and it was hard, so I wasn’t expecting for it to work. They all commented on how easy I made it seem and it was.

Maggie S: I used the self study course but started earlier than suggested. I had the perfect, easy, totally pain free natural birth.

Vanessa G: Yes, the Hypnobabies self study course is amazing! I loved it. I had my share of fears getting ready for birth and Hypnobabies helped me trust my body’s ability to give birth peacefully and naturally. My birth (my first baby) was totally comfortable and the midwife said I made it look “easy”! Even during the challenging moments I was able to stay calm, focused, and truly relaxed. I can’t recommend it enough for moms who want to have a comfortable natural childbirth as well as an enjoyable pregnancy. Love, love, LOVE Hypnobabies!