The future is wide open.

Creating ingredients for food and drink products that build a better future for people and the planet.


Mission & Purpose
Our Purpose

Our Mission

At Wide Open Agriculture, our mission is to create a range of great tasting and high performing plant protein ingredients.

We are focused on developing high-performance lupin proteins that improve outcomes for:

  • Customers
  • Food Manufacturers
  • Farmers

We see a global movement for greater inclusion of plant proteins in daily diets. We also see compromises in existing offerings and believe that there are better alternatives. By developing better end markets, we see plant proteins as a positive force for change in the agriculture industry, where lupins can play a key part in reducing emissions and improving agricultural systems.

Our Purpose

Our Mission

At Wide Open Agriculture, our mission is to create a range of great tasting and high performing plant protein ingredients.

We are focused on developing high-performance lupin proteins that improve outcomes for:

  • Customers
  • Food Manufacturers
  • Farmers

We see a global movement for greater inclusion of plant proteins in daily diets. We also see compromises in existing offerings and believe that there are better alternatives. By developing better end markets, we see plant proteins as a positive force for change in the agriculture industry, where lupins can play a key part in reducing emissions and improving agricultural systems.

Committed to 4 returns.

WOA is a proud member of the 4 Returns network established and managed by Commonland Foundation. WOA's constitution recognises the importance of delivering 4 Returns across financial, natural, social and inspirational returns.

Commonland Foundation Visit 4 Returns

The 4 Returns.

Natural Return: Restoring biodiversity for healthy and resilient landscapes: reviving NATURE.

Return of inspiration: Planting seeds of hope for a better future and giving PEOPLE a sense of purpose.

Social return: Bringing back jobs, education and social connections: the building blocks of thriving COMMUNITIES.

Financial return: Creating long-term, sustainable income for communities: new BUSINESS models tailored to each landscape.