Special Guests

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Election as Mexico’s First Jewish, Female President Marks a More Than Historic Moment in Global History In an unprecedented turn of events, Claudia Sheinbaum has been elected as the first Jewish president of Mexico, marking a significant milestone in the nation’s history. As the first woman to hold the highest office in the country, Sheinbaum’s election symbolizes a monumental shift towards irreligious and gender diversity in Mexican politics. Sheinbaum’s Jewish heritage and her
David Rubin, Recent Media Placements   , , , ,
(Originally published in NewsMax.) The last time I recall, things were not great in Boston right now. Along with a rising criminal element and the lack of support by Democratic leaders to hire more police officers, they’re also dealing with a large wave of migrants that have come to the city. Things could definitely be better there. But Democratic Mayor Michelle Wu simply wants to make things worse. Prior to her hiring in office (according
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , , , , , ,
(Originally published in the Christian Post.) Why does it seem like the medical community has something against motherhood? If expectant mothers aren’t being encouraged to abort their unborn children, then it seems like they are suffering neglect and abuse at the hands of the very people whom they need to trust to help them deliver a healthy child.The Hill recently reported that 1 in 5 mothers in the United States “report being ignored, threatened, forced to
Jim Harden, Recent Media Placements   , , , ,
(Originally published in American Thinker.) The United States, under the Biden administration, has deteriorated into what can only be described as a banana republic, propped up by a sycophantic news media. In this ‘woke’ era, with ultra-liberal media outlets serenading low-information voters with their siren songs, former President Donald Trump was recently found guilty on 34 counts, each carrying a possible penalty of four years in prison. That’s a total of 136 years for a
Jerry McGlothlin, Recent Media Placements   , ,
(Originally published in Law Enforcement Today.) Police officers across the country don their body armor just like any other piece of issued equipment. But too many officers don’t truly understand the fine details of body armor. Such as: Is it properly fit? How long will it last before it loses its effectiveness? How should I properly maintain it? If you’re a police officer, don’t rely solely on your department to stay on top of the
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , , , ,
(Originally published in NewsMax.) The recent decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, to order Israel to halt its military assault on Gaza’s Rafah is not only misguided but also deeply flawed. It reflects a gross misunderstanding of the context and realities on the ground. Israel is engaged in a defensive war against Hamas, a terrorist organization recognized as such for decades by both Europe and the United
David Rubin, Recent Media Placements   , , , , ,
(Originally published in The Christian Post.) The left is acting as if the reclassification of mifepristone and misoprostol — commonly used abortion medications — to Schedule IV controlled dangerous substances is banning them. It simply makes them a prescription medication that needs to be administered by a doctor.Yes, it does make the medication harder to obtain, but if a woman is going to end the life of her unborn child, it should be a decision that
Jim Harden, Recent Media Placements   , , , ,
(Originally published in The Christian Post.) If you obstruct a business operation, damage property, and threaten people, the worst consequence you might face is getting expelled from college. You certainly won’t face charges. Police are arresting some of the pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses across the country, but they are being released with nothing more than a strong talking to (and probably not even that). So, how is it that two protesters were recently sentenced
Jim Harden, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
(Originally published in American Thinker.) It’s always frustrating to see a case surrounding a man who’s clearly innocent — in this particular matter, simply acting on self-defense. Daniel Scott Perry was a former U.S. Army sergeant working as an Uber driver back in July 2020.  As he was working the streets of Austin, a Black Lives Matter mob surrounded him suddenly, rushing “to obstruct, strike, pound, smash and kick his vehicle,” according to reports. Then Garret
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
(Originally published in WND.) What is DEI, you ask? DEI, for the most part, stands for diversity, equity and inclusion, and several consultation groups have been pushing it, insisting that it’s a “hot trend” when it comes to teaching our youth. Only … it hasn’t. The fact of the matter is that anything fueled by DEI seems to meet with disaster. Several businesses, such as the makers of Bud Light and Target, have lost billions
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , , , , ,
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(Originally published on Fox News.) President Biden’s open border policy has allowed millions of illegal aliens into the United States. Among those millions are an estimated 1.7 million gotaways, those who were spotted but not caught, and some are almost certainly on our terrorist watch list.  Likely, among these illegal aliens are foreign spies, here to size up this country for war and/or terrorist attacks – and our military facilities appear to be a key target. Over the
Recent Media Placements, Robert Maginnis   , , ,
(Originally published in NewsMax.) The International Criminal Court (ICC) has once again demonstrated its troubling bias by seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The charges against them — “willful killing,” “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare,” and “willfully causing great suffering” — are gross misrepresentations of Israel’s efforts to defend itself against Hamas terrorists in Gaza. The ICC’s move to target Netanyahu is unprecedented, marking the first
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , , , ,
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Israel has enough munitions now to finish the job: Special Guests military expert Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis, U.S. Army ret. U.S. Army Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis discusses President Biden saying he won’t supply weapons to Israel if it pushes forward with a Rafah invasion on ‘Your World.’ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israel-has-enough-munitions-now-to-finish-the-job-bob-maginnis/vi-BB1m7sFe
Recent Media Placements   , , , ,
(Originally published on NewsMax.) “When good people do nothing, that is evil enough.” I heard this in a movie long ago and it resonates with me. There are people right now sitting on the sidelines, seeing our country erupt into chaos over a number of issues. And yet they’re afraid to speak up on the matter, mainly because they simply want to live their lives and take care of their loved ones — which is
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , , ,
(This article previously published in NewsMax.) In a decision that could seriously impair police effectiveness, a recent ruling by the California Supreme Court holds that individuals cannot be detained merely for avoiding police interaction. To appreciate the gravity of this ruling, we need to dive into its origins and the principles at stake. The basis of modern criminal investigation, including the gathering of evidence, finds its roots in the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
(Originally published in NewsMax.) America is at a crossroads of choice not just about abortion but about what it means to be human and what it means to be American. The national abortion debate reflects a crisis of government in two ways: 1.) the people do not understand the role of government, and 2.) the three co-equal branches of federal government are at odds with each other. First, the response to former President Trump’s April
Jim Harden, Recent Media Placements   , , , ,
(Originally published on The Epoch Times.) As the world watches, the Middle East finds itself at another critical juncture. The question in everyone’s minds is whether the Hamas terrorist leadership will accept the latest hostage deal proposed by the Biden administration and Egypt. With the Israeli cabinet also needing to approve the deal, the stakes are high. Hamas has indicated that it will respond by Wednesday, setting the stage for significant developments that could either
David Rubin, Recent Media Placements   , , , ,
Recent Media Placements, Sid Roth   ,
(Originally published on American Thinker.) In a move that has the world talking, Israel has responded to Iran’s provocation not with overwhelming force but with a strategic, measured action. According to the Drudge Report, in the pre-dawn hours of a Friday, April 19, Israel launched what can only be described as a “pin prick” attack on the Iranian city of Isfahan. This was not the wide-scale military retaliation many had expected following Iran’s aggressive launch of
Jerry McGlothlin, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
Recent Media Placements, Robert Maginnis   , ,
(Originally published in American Thinker.) The world has watched in wonder as Israel demonstrated remarkable military prowess by intercepting virtually all the drones and missiles thrown against them. This feat is not just a testament to Israel’s advanced defense capabilities but also a reflection of its steadfast commitment to safeguarding its citizens against external threats. However, the response from the Biden administration to these events has sparked considerable controversy and concern, particularly among astute observers.
David Rubin, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
Originally published in SG Home Furnishings. (4/14/2024) In an era where the geopolitical and business landscapes are as dynamic as ever, a compelling shift is underway, signaling a robust comeback for American manufacturing. This resurgence, while broad in its impact, offers a beacon of hope particularly for an industry that has weathered its fair share of challenges—home furnishings. Historically, towns like Hickory and High Point in North Carolina stood as monoliths of the American dream,
Jerry McGlothlin, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
(Originally published in American Thinker.) New York politicians’ hatred of police has led to short-staffing and rising crime in the city.  Now they seem to determined to do the same thing to the New York Fire Department. Last month, FDNY commissioner Laura Kavanagh said she would “hunt down” firefighters who booed New York attorney general Letitia James during a promotion ceremony. Videos of the ceremony show the crowd booing James and chanting “Trump” while James was speaking.  Although she acted
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , , ,
(Originally published in WND.) New York City is becoming as bad as California, and that’s saying something. The city just voted to kill many of the small businesses in the city and have large businesses move out of the city. It’s the latest move to show that Mayor Eric Adams and the city council have no ability to manage a city. Just like California’s wealth tax sent the state’s highest earners looking for a new
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
(Originally published on AUN-TV.)  It is disappointing to see law enforcement officers, in this case the FBI, politicizing their job to the point where they are arresting people who committed no crime on January 6, 2021. Meanwhile criminals and terrorists are being invited across our southern border, and violent crimes are skyrocketing in our cities. Not only that, violent looters and rioters from the summer of 2020 were never arrested or even investigated.             What
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
(Originally published in American Thinker.) In the esteemed role of chief executive officer of the United States, the paramount duty is unmistakably the safeguarding of our nation’s security. This is a sacred trust, a commitment to the citizens of our great country to protect them from external threats and ensure their safety and freedom. It is a role that defines the presidency and one that demands unwavering resolve and vigilance. Sadly, intelligence from some of
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
(Originally published in American Thinker.) Whatever is said about Donald Trump, it was obvious from both his words and actions that he loves America and wanted to do his best for the country. It is a quality far too few politicians — both Democrat and Republican — show these days. And now with the 2024 Presidential Election lining up as a replay of the 2020 election between Joe Biden and Trump, look at what the candidates are doing: Both
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , , , ,
(Originally published in WND.) How bad has the U.S. military become that a 31-year veteran, a retired colonel in the Army, is advising teenagers not to join the military? In a Rumble video, Col. Larry Wilkerson said he told a group of high school students, “I recommend none of you 18 and 19 year olds go into the military, because all your military is doing today is being led by people who are insane, infested with lust
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , , ,
(Originally posted on NewsMax.) The Second Amendment, in a nutshell notes, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” It goes into much more depth than that, but the general gist of it is that people are allowed to own a firearm and, in the states allowed, even carry it with them, provided they have the license
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , , , ,
(Originally published on NewsMax.) Trump need not advocate a particular federal law banning abortion based on some arbitrary gestational age, like 16-weeks, or developmental characteristic, like a beating heart or ability to feel pain. He just needs to enforce the law. We are no longer fighting a battle over abortion opinions but the criminality of the current administration. Donald, enforcing current federal laws equally is sufficient to eliminate virtually all elective abortions in America. Start
Jim Harden, Recent Media Placements   , , , , ,
(Originally published in NewsMax.) Recent Changes May Be Giving Police Much Needed Support, But . . . Why Isn’t President Joe Biden Fully on board? Since 2020, we’ve heard the scream of “Defund the Police!” These cries demand reform even in situations not calling for it. Yet, it’s beginning to sound as though some states are finally understanding that they actually need police officers to keep their communities safe. That said, this doesn’t mean everyone
Michael A Letts, Recent Media Placements   , , ,
(Originally published in NewsMax.) By their 8-1 decision, America was thrust into a crisis of conscience. Unborn embryos are children, made in the image of God, with rights to be protected. The majority opinion author, Justice Jay Mitchell concurs. The court’s opinion siding with parents against a fertility clinic that accidentally destroyed their embryos opens with, “unborn children are ‘children’ for the purposes of Alabama’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act.” Unlike Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s
Jim Harden, Recent Media Placements   , , , , ,

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