About Kwick Cool

Kwick Cool is a leading refrigeration manufacturer specializing in high-quality, custom-manufactured products for the restaurant and hotel industry. Our product line, which has garnered nine Kitchen Innovation awards over the past five years, prioritizes sustainability, energy efficiency, and precise temperature control. Our pioneering efforts began with our innovative coils, which feature a robust stainless steel exterior, are simple to install and maintain, and include high-efficiency blowers and a digital temperature control system to maintain safe product temperatures consistently. In 2024, Kwick Cool was honored with two additional Kitchen Innovation awards. The first was for our pizza prep table that incorporates our advanced Cool-Pac technology, designed to prevent coil freezing even in the busiest and hottest kitchen environments. The second award celebrated our groundbreaking patented auxiliary temperature sensor. TempTec Solutions, a subsidiary of Kwick Cool Inc. owns and manages the auxilliary sensor business. This affordable, stainless steel sensor is able to mimic the interior temperature of food, significantly reducing compressor cycle times—by nearly 50%—and cutting energy consumption by up to 40%. Its easy installation and significant cost savings make it an essential upgrade that service technicians, managers, and owners can implement on existing units, leading to demand for its inclusion in all new build-outs and upgrades. This innovation represents a major advancement in our commitment to energy-efficient solutions in the commercial refrigeration industry.

Kitchen Innovations 2024 Award

Product Categories


  • Infinity Air
  • Kwick Cool
  • TempTec Solutions
  • Tru-Temp Sensors


Contact Us


4981 Irwindale Ave 200 Irwindale, California 91706
United States


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