Award Abstract # 1800904
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Impact of freshwater runoff from Hurricane Harvey on coral reef benthic organisms and associated microbial communities

Division Of Ocean Sciences
Initial Amendment Date: December 1, 2017
Latest Amendment Date: December 1, 2017
Award Number: 1800904
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Program Manager: Daniel J. Thornhill
 Division Of Ocean Sciences
 Directorate For Geosciences
Start Date: December 1, 2017
End Date: November 30, 2019 (Estimated)
Total Intended Award Amount: $32,248.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: $32,248.00
Funds Obligated to Date: FY 2018 = $32,248.00
History of Investigator:
  • Sarah Davies (Principal Investigator)
Recipient Sponsored Research Office: Trustees of Boston University
MA  US  02215-1703
Sponsor Congressional District: 07
Primary Place of Performance: Trustees of Boston University
MA  US  02215-1300
Primary Place of Performance
Congressional District:
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): THL6A6JLE1S7
Parent UEI:
NSF Program(s): Hurricane Harvey 2017
Primary Program Source: 01001819DB NSF RESEARCH & RELATED ACTIVIT
Program Reference Code(s): 7914, 8556, 8811, 9117
Program Element Code(s): 071Y00
Award Agency Code: 4900
Fund Agency Code: 4900
Assistance Listing Number(s): 47.050


Coral reefs are ecologically and economically important ecosystems, and are threatened by a variety of global (climate change) and local (overfishing, pollution) stressors. Anthropogenic climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of storms, which can physically damage reef structures and reduce reef health through changes in seawater quality. In August of 2017, Hurricane Harvey caused widespread flooding in southeast Texas when it released more than 50 trillion liters of rain, which then accumulated along the Texas Shelf. This runoff is expected to impact nearby coral reefs in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS, northwest Gulf of Mexico) via eddies and jets that transport coastal waters offshore. Findings from this project will allow managers to quickly predict whether extreme storm events are likely to induce reef mortality and ecosystem decline due to freshwater accumulation, by tracking of low salinity water masses coupled with microbial community characterization and metrics of coral health. These data are critical to managing coastal ecosystems, including the high coral cover reefs in the FGBNMS, and will help stakeholders (e.g., diving and fishing communities) plan for and minimize disruption to their livelihoods following these storms. Results will be communicated broadly across scientific arenas, in graduate and undergraduate education and training programs, and to the general public through outreach. The investigators have seven 7 square meter 2-D Reef Replicas from 2014 depicting representative FGBNMS reef bottoms, and will construct additional 2-D Reef Replicas from both banks following the arrival of Harvey runoff, allowing the public to directly experience and quantify the effects of Hurricane Harvey on local reefs using quadrats and identification guides. This project will also synergize with NSF REU programs at Boston University and Texas A&M University, providing transformative research experiences for undergraduates. One post-doctoral scholar, four graduate students, a technician and more than 5 undergraduates will be involved in all aspects of the research. All datasets will be made freely available to the public, and will serve as an important set of baselines for future lines of inquiry into the processes by which hurricanes and other extreme storms impact reef health.

Hurricanes and other extreme storm events can decimate coral reefs through wave-driven physical damage. Freshwater runoff from extreme storms is also potentially detrimental to reefs but has received comparatively less attention. This research will provide unprecedented resolution on how hurricanes and other extreme storm events may trigger cascading interactions among water chemistry, declines in metazoan health and shifts in their associated microbial communities, ultimately resulting in coral reef decline. The freshwater runoff initiated by Hurricane Harvey is likely to impact reefs within the FGBNMS, one of the few remaining coral-dominated reefs in the greater Caribbean. The effects of Harvey runoff will be compared to a previously documented storm-driven runoff event that was associated with invertebrate mortality on the same reef system. Sampling seawater chemistry, microbial communities (water column and benthic), and host gene expression and proteomics before, immediately after, and six months after Harvey runoff enters the FGBNMS will allow us to identify commonalities among large-scale freshwater runoff events and track the response of benthic invertebrate health, microbial community diversity, and the trajectory of reef community recovery or decline. The investigators will determine if changes in water chemistry induce pelagic microbial shifts, if microbial communities typically associated with corals and sponges are altered, and whether feedbacks occur between these potential drivers of benthic invertebrate mortality.


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Wright, Rachel M. and Correa, Adrienne M. and Quigley, Lucinda A. and Santiago-Vázquez, Lory Z. and Shamberger, Kathryn E. and Davies, Sarah W. "Gene Expression of Endangered Coral (Orbicella spp.) in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary After Hurricane Harvey" Frontiers in marine science , 2019 Citation Details



This Project Outcomes Report for the General Public is displayed verbatim as submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) for this award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this Report are those of the PI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation; NSF has not approved or endorsed its content.

Coral reefs are ecologically and economically important ecosystems, and are threatened by a variety of global (climate change) and local (overfishing, pollution) stressors. Human-driven climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of storms, which can physically damage reef structures and reduce reef health through changes in seawater quality. In August of 2017, Hurricane Harvey caused widespread flooding in southeast Texas when it released more than 50 trillion liters of rain, which then accumulated in the ocean along the Texas Shelf. This runoff had the potential to impact nearby coral reefs in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS, northwest Gulf of Mexico) if eddies and jets transported coastal flood-influenced waters offshore.

Our experiments were among the first to test for the impacts of storm-derived floodwaters on offshore (>100 km) bottom-dwelling organisms, like corals and sponges. We sampled seawater chemistry, microbial communities (water column and reef bottom), coral colony gene expression, and coral and sponge-associated microbial communities before, immediately after, and 12 months after Harvey runoff entered FGBNMS in order to track the response of coral and sponge health, microbial community diversity, and the trajectory of reef communities over time. This work ultimately allows us to determine if: (1) changes in water chemistry induce pelagic microbial shifts; (2) if microbial communities typically associated with corals and sponges are altered; and (3) whether feedbacks occur between these potential drivers of benthic invertebrate mortality.

The flood-derived offshore water mass following Harvey did not move directly over FGBNMS, and therefore, our work documents that significant mortality of reef organisms did not occur. Our results show, however, that offshore corals and sponges did experience sub-lethal stress effects following Hurricane Harvey. This was evident based on genes that were differentially expressed in corals immediately after the hurricane, which indicated increases in cellular oxidative stress responses that are consistent with a stress response. In addition, shifted microbiomes and the presence of human microbial pathogens in offshore sponges were observed after extreme storm events in 2016 (Tax Day Flood) and 2017 (Hurricane Harvey). Such effects were not detectable in samples collected during the same season of a non-flooding baseline year (2018). Analyses of potential microbiome shifts associated with offshore corals and coral gene expression and microbiome responses to low dissolved oxygen and hyposalinity stressors during tank-based experiments are ongoing. Overall, our findings to date suggest that offshore systems, at least in the Gulf of Mexico, are not necessarily buffered from the effects of floodwaters. Thus, local actions such as improved wastewater management and reductions in terrestrial runoff could benefit offshore coral reefs in the Gulf of Mexico. Our findings clearly demonstrate the urgent need for: 1) continued mitigation of stormwater runoff and climate change impacts; and 2) establishment of microbial and water quality time series for near- and offshore reef using standardized protocols. This latter program will generate baseline data on the physiology and microbiomes of key reef organisms under normal conditions, providing critical context in which to detect and mitigate floodwater-derived stress on reefs. Taken together, our findings suggest that offshore systems, such as coral reefs, should be considered in future floodwater management decisions.

Our work provides fundamental insight into the potential impacts of floodwaters on coral reef environments. The Flower Garden Banks contain reefs with among the highest remaining coral cover in the wider Caribbean, yet they have recently experienced increases in macroalgae, a coral competitor. Long-term monitoring of reef bottom cover at FGBNMS has documented an increase in macroalgae, without a corresponding loss in corals, over the last two decades and suggests nutrient input may have been affecting these offshore reefs since 1999. Growth of macroalgae on coral reefs is generally detrimental as macroalgae outcompete corals for light and space and promote coral disease. If unchecked, continued ‘pulses’ of nutrients from storm-derived flooding events may underlie or exacerbate increased coral-algal interactions and trigger the decline of these ‘reef of hope’, which currently boast coral cover greater than 50%.

A total of 3 postdoctoral scholars, 19 graduate students, 25 undergraduate students, and 7 high school students were integrated into the projects of this grant. The majority (78%) of these trainees were female. These students have received a broad introduction to our science that expands their horizons as to what marine biology actually is. We also made significant efforts to engage local communities in southeast Texas and Boston, Massachusetts, and to increase public knowledge of the threats to coral reefs and how our research addresses those threats.

Our project is listed on the BCO-DMO website to facilitate sharing our water column chemistry and microbial 16S data, our coral gene expression and microbial 16S data, and our sponge microbial 16S community data. The URL for the BCO-DMO project is

Last Modified: 05/18/2020
Modified by: Sarah W Davies

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