Loved and trusted by thousands of educators

What makes Class Solver unique?

Super easy to use

Drag and drop students between classes, while warning flags alert you to any issue that may need correcting.

Watch demo

No limits, no boundaries

Balance classes on information important to your school and enter as much information about students as you need.

Watch demo

Create different K-12 groups

Create language-based classes, streamed ability groups, vertical forms, composites, and even school camp cabins.

Watch demo

Exceptional client support

We take the time to understand your school’s unique needs and are here to help if you need us.

All the features you need

Save time, improve student outcomes and teacher engagement

Save countless hours creating class lists

Creating class lists with sticky notes or spreadsheets is time-consuming and challenging. Class Solver saves schools an average of 100+ hours.

Improve academic and well-being outcomes

Research shows that students placed in a class with a friend perform better; not just academically but also emotionally.

Engage and collaborate with teachers

Seamlessly gather valuable feedback from staff remotely, ensuring that all teachers contribute equally to the process of creating class lists.

Solve your classes in 3 easy steps

Import & Setup

Import a list of your current students and custom design the student card survey for your teachers

Survey & Requests

Invite teachers to complete surveys and add any requests you are aware of (e.g. from parents)

Solve & Share

Let the powerful Solver create your classes. Fine-tune the lists, then share and collaborate with your teachers

Price for your school

    As seen in

    A small yet meaningful beginning

    A small yet meaningful beginning

    Class Solver’s purpose is to save teachers and educators time, but ultimately help ensure that children are placed in the best class for their needs.

    It doesn’t replace the expertise of administrators and teachers, it is a tool to help support them to make the best decisions possible.

    Class Solver was founded in 2013 by Amy White after her daughter was placed in a classroom with no social support.

    Since then, Class Solver has worked with thousands of educators around the world to create the most advanced and user-friendly solution for creating class lists.

    Class Solver delivers a seamless user experience and is now working with some of the largest companies in the world to make the experience even better.

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