Our Mission

The Arkansas Tobacco Education Initiative (ARTEI) was formed to improve the health status of all Arkansans by using evidence-based strategies through program initiatives, promotion of cessation services and recommendations of smoke free policies; to reduce the use of all tobacco products including, electronic nicotine delivery systems within Arkansas.  

The arts play a vital role in our society. In fact, without the arts, much of our history, expression and culture would be virtually nonexistent.

Meditation is powerful. If you’re unsure whether or not the practice is worth looking into, check out these top ways meditation can help improve your life.

News & Notes

What's Going On?

Start your journey to a tobacco-free life.

Call 833-283-WELL or visit BeWellArkansas.org for help with quitting tobacco or managing diabetes and high blood pressure.

Smoking contributes to hardened arteries and increases your risk of serious heart disease, heart failure, or a heart attack. If you need help quitting tobacco, call 833-283-WELL or visit www.bewellarkansas.org

P O Box 112
Bryant, AR 72089

© Arkansas Tobacco Control Coalition 2024

Crafted by Firespring