Every day we shoot vaccines into one another to protect against that deadpan-demic called unfriendliness. For most of us it happens often, quickly and unexpectedly.  We don’t even think about it as it occurs just how it should happen, naturally. You walk past someone on the beach or in the lobby of your apartment building … More HOW VACCINE FRIENDLY ARE YOU?

Why are so many plastic bottlecaps disposed of on beaches?

Take a space flight with Planetary Lifeguard™ over mountains of trash we call plastics. Every year the world produces 400 million metric tons of it — almost entirely out of fossil fuels like oil and gas. Some go into essential products like contact lenses and medical equipment, but a greater percentage goes into sporks, cups, … More Why are so many plastic bottlecaps disposed of on beaches?

Evangelists Threw Proselytizing Passes to NFL fans in Detroit To make Jesus their No. 1 draft pick and their end zone Heaven

DETROIT–That’s right, sports fans, the big game was in Detroit for the NFL draft April 25-27 and according to Florida Catholic Media it was too perfect an opportunity for Catholic evangelists to pass up. And that’s what was happening on the busy streets during this all-important time to make Jesus the number one draft pick.  … More Evangelists Threw Proselytizing Passes to NFL fans in Detroit To make Jesus their No. 1 draft pick and their end zone Heaven

Could ‘The Apprentice’ Corral a Rampaging Climate?

How much of a factor will the fossil fuel industry be in this Presidential election after having driven humanity to such unprecedented climate peril? Will the next President of the United States be a climate crusader, invader or perhaps diplomatically somewhere in between? First, I must tell you Mr. Trump I don’t always agree with … More Could ‘The Apprentice’ Corral a Rampaging Climate?

Regaining Breakneck Speed After Breaking His Neck, This Sustainable Lifeguard Goes Planetary

It was an exciting journey going from lifeguarding to journalism, then up to nosebleed executive levels at not one, but two major television networks, then on to launching my own international, award-winning PR firm, TransMedia Group.  After setting up headquarters in The Big Apple, I would land as my first client what was then in … More Regaining Breakneck Speed After Breaking His Neck, This Sustainable Lifeguard Goes Planetary

Who’ll Cool a Warming World Quicker, Capitalism or Socialism?

Today, global warming is a challenge to us all, regardless of where we live or under what system for everywhere on this planet temperature keeps rising.   The question is which type of society will best combat climate change.  Will it be a democracy like ours where free enterprise flourishes, or a socialist society where … More Who’ll Cool a Warming World Quicker, Capitalism or Socialism?

Armando, Planetary Lifeguard™ Congratulates You for Combatting Climate Change by Capturing Carbon!

On the renewable energy front, Planetary Lifeguard™ congratulates Armando Pimentel, FPL president and CEO, for pushing his company to go solar and  replacing fossil fuel generators with renewable power.  What a wise step in such a right direction, says Planetary Lifeguard™ about your plans to reduce the carbon emissions that are dangerously warming our planet, … More Armando, Planetary Lifeguard™ Congratulates You for Combatting Climate Change by Capturing Carbon!

Mr. Trump, Are You Still Considering Running Mates? Jamie Dimon has a Democrat’s Heart and Republican Brain!

One thing for sure, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is chock-full of policy ideas and like you, Mr. President, he believes the US needs a strong economy and to address domestic unrest starting at the border. He also says that while he may have the heart of a Democrat, he has like you the brain … More Mr. Trump, Are You Still Considering Running Mates? Jamie Dimon has a Democrat’s Heart and Republican Brain!

A New Way to Support Investigative Journalism—a Hedge Fund

After raising $100 million, hedge fund Hunterbrook Capital now is making headlines, smiling at cease-and-desist orders and is on the verge of maybe making a ton of money for investors, that is if they don’t lose too many lawsuits. Hunterbrook Capital is a unique hedge fund to say the least as it’s flexing a powerful … More A New Way to Support Investigative Journalism—a Hedge Fund

Two things on Planetary Lifeguard’s nerves this Easter

1. High cost of eggs or ‘eggflation’ 2. transparency on greenhouse gas emissions moving at snail’s pace! This Easter most people will know approximately what a Chocolate Easter Egg will cost as well as prices for a NETFLIX subscription to a gas station fill-up.     But few know the true cost of a phenomenon impacting … More Two things on Planetary Lifeguard’s nerves this Easter