Highly multiplexed spatially resolved gene expression profiling of mouse organogenesis

z-slices are contiguous cell layers 12 um apart.

The Spatial Mouse Atlas is a shiny web app-based resource that can be used to interactively browse and download the data from:

Lohoff*, T., Ghazanfar*, S., et al. Highly multiplexed spatially resolved gene expression profiling of mouse organogenesis. bioRxiv (2020)


Transcriptional and epigenetic profiling of single-cells has advanced our knowledge of the molecular bases of gastrulation and early organogenesis. However, current approaches rely on dissociating cells from tissues, thereby losing the crucial spatial context that is necessary for understanding cell and tissue interactions during development. Here, we apply an image-based single-cell transcriptomics method, seqFISH, to simultaneously and precisely detect mRNA molecules for 387 selected target genes in 8-12 somite stage mouse embryo tissue sections. By integrating spatial context and highly multiplexed transcriptional measurements with two single- cell transcriptome atlases we accurately characterize cell types across the embryo and demonstrate how spatially-resolved expression of genes not profiled by seqFISH can be imputed. We use this high-resolution spatial map to characterize fundamental steps in the patterning of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary and the developing gut tube. Our spatial atlas uncovers axes of resolution that are not apparent from single-cell RNA sequencing data – for example, in the gut tube we observe early dorsal-ventral separation of esophageal and tracheal progenitor populations. In sum, by computationally integrating high-resolution spatially-resolved gene expression maps with single-cell genomics data, we provide a powerful new approach for studying how and when cell fate decisions are made during early mammalian development.

Experimental Design

Using the seqFISH platform along with a novel approach for retaining cell membrane segmentation, we detected individual mRNA molecules for 351 barcoded and 36 non-barcoded genes in three sagittal sections of 8-12 somite-stage embryos (Embryonic days (E)8.5-E8.75).



Please contact Shila Ghazanfar (shila.ghazanfar-at-cruk.cam.ac.uk) or John Marioni (marioni-at-ebi.ac.uk) with any web app-related queries or suggestions.

Plot of spatial expression or cell types, and distribution of expression per cell type (below). Check option on left panel for plot of cells' segmentation. Use the icon in the top-right corner to download each image.


Plot of imputed spatial expression, and distribution of imputed expression per cell type (below). Check option on left panel for plot of cells' segmentation.

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Double click on each panel to re-centre the digital in situ regional selection, before clicking "Plot digital in situ".


Only selected cells within the selected embryos and z-slices will be downloaded. Download Group A cell names Download Group B cell names

You can upload multiple cell pre-selection files. Once uploaded press "Add pre-selected" to either Group, and then "Load/Reload plot".

Please press the "Reload plot" button to start and to update after cell additions or removals. Use the lasso selection icon (leftmost in the topright corner) to select cells, then click each button to assign them to a group. Once you have selected two groups, an MA-plot will appear below.
