
I am a machine learning researcher, a co-founder of Mind Foundry, with a few different hats within the University of Oxford:

If you want to get to know me in gruesome detail:

Within machine learning, I have particular expertise in Gaussian processes, active learning, Bayesian optimisation and Bayesian quadrature, and I am dead keen on the emerging field of probabilistic numerics. I have applied machine learning to scientific and engineering problems in fields as diverse as exoplanet search, finance, crystallography, autonomous robotics, and the study of pigeon navigation. I’m also interested in how new technologies, particularly machine learning, are changing the nature of work.


Eagle House
Walton Well Road
United Kingdom

About this site

This site was built using Hyde, a theme for Jekyll, along with Jekyll Scholar and liberal borrowing from Jan-Willem van de Meent’s excellent site. The colours are drawn from base16, and the fonts are Karmina Sans and Karmina.

This website was current as of 2022-03-14 15:19.