Bridging The Human Rights Gap For Better Quality in Healthy Living


In Los Angeles, AIDS Healthcare Foundation launched the ‘Healthy Housing Foundation by AHF,’ which will provide decent housing units at an affordable cost to low-income people, including families with children, and those previously unsheltered or homeless. In Los Angeles, HHF will offer priority placement to individuals with chronic health conditions, including HIV/AIDS. AHF will expand the scope of its Healthy Housing Foundation across the country as the need finds, and its resources allow.

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SRO Property Tour:
Los Angeles

Join us for a tour of 5 of our 15 single room occupancy (SRO) properties in Los Angeles. AHF's Healthy Housing Foundation buys and renovates historic buildings to create truly affordable housing for low-income people in need.
The Housing Crisis is a Public Health Crisis
In response to widespread gentrification and rising housing costs, which displaces AHF patients throughout California, Florida, and elsewhere, the organization has launched the Healthy Housing Foundation to fulfill its public health mission. AHF believes that housing is a human right and that we face a crisis that demands urgent action.
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A safe place, clean, affordable place - not only for myself but for all those in need.



They're providing a safe place for people, we need more of these places.


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Four Reasons Why So Many Are Homeless
Personal/Family Crisis
Affordable Housing
No Support Network
Four Reasons Why So Many Are Homeless
Whether from losing a job or not finding a job in the first place, unemployment is one of the major causes of homelessness. No income, no way to keep up with living expenses. While the number of unemployed people fell to 7.4% in the past few years, the number of people living in poverty has not declined. At 46.7 million living under the poverty line ($20,000 year for a family of three), that’s 15.8% of the United States.
Personal/Family Crisis
Individuals with an established support network and steady income can be forced into homelessness if a major health issue or a family emergency arises. For people already living below the poverty line, managing everyday incidents such as having a car towed can push someone into homelessness even faster. One major health issue can derail an individual’s life, including a family member’s poor health or a death in the family. Even divorce can quickly spin into homelessness as it can be expensive and impact income significantly. Often these homeless experiences are short-term and transitional, especially for families.
Affordable Housing
In cities like San Francisco and New York, affordable and available housing is in short supply. But even outside these urban areas, people are feeling crunched by the rising cost of living. Since 2007, the number of poor households increased by 27% — 11.25 million families are paying 50% or more of their income toward housing. According to The Department of Housing and Urban Development, families with only one full-time worker making minimum wage couldn’t afford rent for a two-bedroom market-priced apartment anywhere in the country.
No Support Network
It’s easy to take your support network for granted when you have one. But those who don’t are sharply aware of the absence. Support networks can come in many forms: a family member, friend, co-worker, or even the greater community, as we see on HandUp. Knowing that someone believes in you can make all the difference. One thing to note is that even with state-funded programs to provide a safety net, these are often not enough to avoid homelessness. Currently, the median Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefit for a family of three is approximately one-third of the poverty level.
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