As a leading fiber provider, Consolidated Communication's mission is to turn technology into solutions, to connect people and to enrich how they live and work. The Consolidated Connects Educational Grant Program supports innovative student learning at K-12 schools across the company's service area.

About Consolidated Connects

We are committed to supporting educational enrichment programs and projects through the Consolidated Connects Grant Program that emphasize creative student learning; develop 21st century skills; promote critical thinking, reasoning and communication; and utilize innovative technologies to advance learning.

Grant requests should highlight initiatives that emphasize project-based learning and describe, if possible, how broadband services and other important tools will be integrated in to the program.

Grant Applications

Schools educating students in grades K through 12 that are located within the company’s service area are eligible to apply for a grant.

Application for grants are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied and you will be contacted by email in regards to your submitted application.

Questions? Contact us to learn more at

Our Impact

Improving Access to Education through Classroom Translation Technology

At John Adams Academy in Roseville, Calif., translation technology provided by Consolidated supports the school’s English Language Learners program. Earbuds provided to students and teachers allow them to engage with one another during lessons, breaking down language barriers and creating “an immediate and direct impact on the lives of young learners.” - Read more here

Enhancing Experiential Digital Communications Learning Experiences

Students at Alto High School in Alto, Texas have increased access to occupational and educational opportunities associated with audio and visual media production, thanks to support from Consolidated. New equipment and industry certifications provide students with better tools for learning, while allowing them to gain valuable experience for future careers. - Read more here

Creation of Competitive Robotics Team Provides Problem-Solving Skills

Equipment provided through support from Consolidated has allowed Shelbyville High School in Shelbyville, Ill to create a new competitive robotics team. The program is geared toward allowing "students to learn first-hand how to problem solve and work together as a team." - Read more here

Since 2021, $112,500 given to K-12 schools