If you’re feeling burned out in your career or lifestyle and have been fantasizing about a change, you’re not aloneChances are you’ve likely heard that you can manifest your dreams, but have no clue how to practice it (it’s okay, I was once there too). And while it may seem like some woo woo magic, manifestation is actually rooted in the simple concept that your thoughts create your reality. 

So let’s jump right in on how to manifest that dream life you so deserve: 

1. Start with Gratitude 

What are you thankful for? What’s going well in your life?

In order to manifest something, you first have to appreciate what you have.

Take a few minutes to acknowledge the abundance that has already been given to you. You can do this by saying it out loud or writing a daily gratitude journal – whatever works for you!

Tip: Even on the days that feel like everything is going wrong, you still have something to be grateful for (ex. food to eat, sunshine, your breath, etc).

2. Write down your dream as if it’s already happened

To manifest, you need to explicitly outline what you want to happen. Brain dump what your dream sounds, feels and looks like. The key here is to write it in present tense, as if you’ve already achieved it.

” I am working in XYX… I feel XYX… I have time for XYZ”…you get the picture.

3. Believe your dream is possible and you’re worthy of it 

If you’re just going through the motions of this, but don’t truly believe it’s possible – stop what you’re doing. It’s not going to manifest. 

Manifestation only works if you believe it’s possible and you are worthy of it. 

Spoiler alert: It is possible and you are worthy, so don’t be the only thing holding yourself back from receiving it. 

4. read your dream aloud and visualize it

Now it’s time to bring the vision to life. Say it out loud. Truly place yourself in the dream life and allow yourself to experience it. Literally, manifest it. 

As silly as it sounds, there’s a purpose to this.  Your brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and what you’re envisioning, so when you visually manifest it you will place it in a state to start subconsciously making decisions to get you closer to your goal. This is a common practice many Olympic athletes use when training and has proven to be effective in their results. 

Tip: It’s not enough to think about it, you truly have to visualize and feel as if you’re already there. Again, manifest it.


5. take action accordingly, but don’t fixate on the “how”

I wish I could tell you we lived in a world where you could merely speak things into existence without taking action, but you have to be your own advocate.

Start taking small steps to get yourself to that goal. Ask yourself, what’s one thing I could do that gets me closer to it?

Tip: Don’t fixate on “how” it will happen – this is often where doubt and fear takes over. Don’t delay, don’t doubt, just act. Even if it’s small, just do something about it.

6. BONUS: Oath of manifestation

The Oath of Manifestation has been an incredibly powerful tool to aid in manifestation! I’ve experienced the benefits of it along with many others. 

If you’re interested in getting your hands on it, sign up for a consult below and I’ll send you a copy! 

Interested in taking more action towards that dream life? Neha is a Career Coach helping women design and achieve their dreams. Book a complimentary consult to learn more about how you can get started on that dream life!