VITA 67 Multi Port Connector Blocks

Pasternack offers a wide selection of in-stock VITA 67 multi port connector blocks designed to meet the rigorous requirements of the military, aerospace, and defense industries. Whether you need to connect multiple antennas, transmitters, or receivers in a limited space or demanding environment, Pasternack's VITA 67 multi port connector blocks are the ideal solution for your application.

Provide High-Density RF Connections in Demanding Environments, While Saving Space, Weight, and Cost

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VITA 67 multi port connector blocks in-stock and ready to ship same-day with no minimum order quantities

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Easy Assembly

Unique SV connector retention mechanism offers significant ease of assembly/disassembly into daughter card module over similar designs

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Designed for side-by-side implementation with VITA 46 hardware and compatible with .086" and smaller diameter coaxial cables, these interconnects deliver exceptional RF performance in any mating condition

VITA 67 Multi Port Connector Blocks Features


Multi port connector blocks utilize existing and proven SMPM interfaces to offer significant benefits in terms of compatibility, reliability, and cost-effectiveness

Rugged Designs

IP67-rated construction and high shock and vibration resistance for reliable operation in harsh environments


VITA 67 connector blocks withstand multiple flexures immediately behind the connectors without breaking or degrading


No special adapters required for these VITA 67 multi port connector blocks, simplifying the system and improving its performance and reliability